With The Right Tools, It Isn't Hard to Attract and Retain Financial Services Leads

The financial services industry heavily depends upon major life events for customers to engage be it a marriage, birth of a child, or death of a parent. The key to reducing churn and retaining the leads you attract is to use the right engagement tools to stay top of mind.

The financial service industry thrives the emotions of major life events. Instead of waiting, attract and retain leads with the right tools: understanding their intent, lifestyle, and modeling prospects after those qualified leads

Web Intent for Financial Services

How do you know that someone is ready for financial services? Cold calling is so 1960s. Heck, it’s even so 1990. Fully immersed in the web, why are we ignoring valuable data? It’s either because we don’t have the right tools or we don’t know they exist.

Andrews Wharton is big on web intent data because we know it can transform your business. Once you  have those leads, and nurture them, you’re in a veritable gold mine. All you have to do is strike at the right time. And that comes down to understanding where they are in their buyer journey and what they want at this time. That’s where Lifestyle Data comes in.

“Results show that clients want advisors to communicate with them in a more personalized way. For example, 75% of clients indicated that they want their advisor to send updates that are personalized to them.” Y Charts

Lifestyle Data and Financial Services

With lifestyle data, you’re able to craft a marketing campaign that meets the financial services need of a specific group of people. The new movers data, for example, allows you to creat a campaign for services you know new homeowners need: homeowners’ insurance, fixed annuities, and/or investing in mutual funds. You’ve skipped the cold calling stage with lifestyle data by working only with people who have purchased a home. 

Brides to Be is another popular Lifestyle Data card important to financial services. Why? Because they’re a great market for life insurance, family trusts, and financial coaching. It’s no surprise that money stress is a huge issue in marriages. So, why not get them on the same page before they get married?

“It’s easy to dismiss life insurance as something you won’t need until you’re older, but buying life insurance when you’re young may end up costing you less in the long run.” New York Life

CAMP & Financial Services

Now that you’ve converted financial service leads into customers, you’re able to start labeling your customers by the products they buy. This allows you to segment your customer data. In marketing, segmenting is power since it allows you to speak to a specific need that group has. 

With Andrews Wharton’s CAMP Product, we can take your customer base, and rate them based upon factors important to you – like lifetime customer value (LCV). Our Customer Acquisition Modeling Platform (CAMP) will produce a customer profile from just a small sample as well as give you a look-alike audience. Who doesn’t want to market financial services products to people just like your current customer?

“With Lookalike Audiences, you can test multiple audiences at once without needing to create several campaigns. … Lookalike Audiences make it easy to find audiences interested in your ad without additional work on your end.” Hootsuite

Choose The Proven Lead Gen Data Leader

Whether it’s web intent data, lifestyle data, or CAMP, AWI is the partner you didn’t know you needed – until now. 

With data-driven project requirements, Andrews Wharton is the proven direct-response solutions provider with a long-standing reputation for solving your toughest marketing challenges. Are you ready to get started?

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