Append Magic: Deliverability Woes No More

Deliverability woes have plagued marketers and customer service teams alike, hindering their ability to connect effectively with their target audience.

But fear not! Enter the solution: Append.

Email append is a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their customer base and improve their marketing efforts. However, while the benefits of email append are clear, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is deliverability. After all, what good is having a vast database of email addresses if your messages are not reaching the intended recipients?

Your Campaign’s Success and Deliverability

As marketers, we dedicate numerous hours to segmenting our list, crafting the ideal content, and meticulously mapping out every campaign. However, the success of each campaign hinges on maintaining a strong deliverability rate.

A high deliverability rate ensures that marketing messages are seen and engaged with by a larger audience, increasing the chances of generating leads and conversions. Conversely, poor deliverability can hinder marketing efforts and waste valuable resources. It can result in missed opportunities, decreased open rates, and damaged brand reputation.

Maintaining a strong sender reputation, carefully targeting subscribers, and regularly monitoring and optimizing deliverability metrics are key strategies to maximize marketing success.

Re-Activate Previous Buyers

As time passes, your customers change and so do their email addresses. When marketers want to revitalize their list, they seek out reliable append partners.

A national marketing agency specializing in direct mail embarked on reactivating past buyers for their national automotive clients. They partnered with Andrews Wharton (AWI), renowned for their Actionable US Consumer Database, known for strong match rates (40%+), better deliverability, and improved open rates.

Recognizing the value of reconnecting with previous buyers, the agency leveraged AWI's extensive database for precision in identifying and targeting past customers. This accurate data facilitated personalized campaigns.

AWI's Actionable US Consumer Database significantly enhanced the agency's direct mail campaigns. It improved deliverability, reduced costs, and ensured messages reached their intended recipients. The reactivation campaign also enjoyed ~3% in open rates, thanks to improved targeting and customer interest.

The collaboration between the marketing agency and AWI has become an ongoing monthly endeavor. By leveraging AWI's database, the agency continues to effectively reactivate previous buyers, creating tailored campaigns that renew customer enthusiasm and drive the success and growth of the national automotive brands.

Your Partner in Deliverability

At Andrews Wharton, we understand the importance of deliverability. That is why our Email Append Database is designed to address this issue head-on. With over 505 million unique and compliant records, we ensure that our database is not only extensive but also accurate and up-to-date. By focusing on deliverability, we provide our clients with a high-speed, performance engine for their omnichannel marketing efforts.


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