AWI Achieves a “Double Winner” for Its Retail Client

A leading sports and activity retailer faced a common problem: they needed more traffic in their stores and increased sales.

Unfortunately, they were trying to target prospects within all of their customer data using multiple data feeds that relied on limited data points.

Before this information could be used in a cost-effective, actionable manner, it needed to be further refined.

Maximizing Match Rates Through a Multi-Sourced, Multichannel Approach

The first thing AWI did was identify a multi-sourced approach that would compare the retailer’s in-house file against a wider range of large national databases. This maximized the match rate and enhanced partial records, which made them targetable and actionable.

AWI also used fuzzy match logic to maximize the amount of complete records the client could utilize. These records were then enhanced further by imputing them into an internal model. This aligned the campaign’s strategies and gave a clear direction forward.

Finally, a multichannel approach was leveraged to give the retailer the additional reach they needed. This also increased the company’s brand awareness and produced helpful data about convenient retail locations, as well.

AWI Achieves a 45% Lift

According to the client, AWI’s solution led to a “double winner.”

The campaign was successful at driving both incremental traffic and increasing sales to their local retail locations.

However, it also delivered an amazing 45% lift in targeted prospects.

The client was so ecstatic about these results that they immediately engaged AWI for further projects, including those all-important customer win-back strategies. 


AWI Helps Its Client Enjoy Open Rates of 8.5% and CTUs Above 4%