How To Sell Products Diabetics Are Looking For

With a quick bit of Googling, it’s easy to find that one of the best ways to sell products that diabetics are looking for is through content marketing. Yes, it’s a bit of work, but once your company creates content around diabetes, you’ll be sure to start collecting those leads.

But it doesn’t have to be a long and arduous process either. Create videos, and repurpose them into blog posts. Create blog posts and repurpose them into videos. Use social media to distribute your content, get a Google Ads Partner to pulse ads, and the email signups will be rolling in.

The Best Content Marketing is Helpful

The best approach to content marketing is to write articles that are helpful. So, what products are helpful for diabetics? Are there any parallels? If you only write about your test strips, people won’t care. Sure, if you’re giving free samples, they may use your product but that alone won’t help with brand loyalty.

Can you talk about health tips? Then write about heart health. High blood pressure is the cousin of diabetes so celebrate heart health month. Educate people on how to properly take their blood pressure. What are great heart-healthy exercises for beginners? Make a video. Reach out to a fitness expert and interview them. The possibilities are endless.

What Products Do Diabetics Need?

Recognize that there are two types of diabetics: Type I and Type II. Some will be eligible for a pump while others may approach their diabetes with insulin, diet change, and weight loss.

We all remember the scene in Steel Magnolias where Shelby passes out from low blood sugar, becomes angry, and is asked to drink orange juice. Everyone is different. Educating family and friends as to what they should look out for is just as important as to the products that diabetics need.

Some of the products diabetics need include:

  • Glucometer

  • Insulin

  • Test strips

  • Disposable syringes

  • Blood pressure cuff

  • Glucose pills

  • Medical ID bracelet

“A blood sugar meter, also known as a blood glucose meter or a glucometer, is a portable electronic device that measures your blood sugar at any moment to make sure it's not too high or too low.” WebMD

What Should Be in a Diabetes Bag?

As far as what should be in a diabetes bag, all diabetics should have a list of their medications, a list of their doctors, a Medical ID bracelet, medications (from insulin to metformin), candy, crackers like wheat thins, nuts, and water bottles. Think of this like a go-bag. Maybe this is a bag within your purse, backpack, or briefcase.

“To prevent your blood sugar levels from dropping too low, you may need to eat a snack that contains some glucose or simple carbohydrates.” -Everyday Health 

So How Do You Reach These Customers?

With a healthy approach to content marketing to support your advertising and outreach goals, partnering with a lead generation specialist will help you reach your ideal customers. We can even append your first-party data with our data sets and give your medical product the spotlight it deserves.

AWI’S Lead Gen to the Rescue

While your company is working hard to improve the quality of life of your consumers, we have your back. Our approach to lead generation is both custom and adaptive. This is why so many industries from senior services to health care companies trust our services.

Partnering with us allows you to focus on research and development as well as outreach and education. While you’re creating a better world, we’re busy tracking trends and monitoring lead performance daily. There is no set-it-and-forget-it process. Trends shift and we adapt ensuring you still have the leads you expect.

Let’s set up a call to talk with one of our specialists and help you achieve marketing success!


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