Are You Looking to Qualify More Leads for Your FinTech Biz? AWI to the Rescue!

Quick! What do you mean by lead generation? The term sounds far more complex than the topic actually is: a lead is ultimately a set of data -- and it's from a potential customer. Nothing more than the data you find on a business card.

Well, remember those business card cases we had in the '80s? Heavy, full, a lot like a baseball card wallet full of doubles. Business cards full of data may be leads, but you can't take them all to the bank. What you want is a qualified lead. You want that baseball card that every other kid wants. And we’re going to show you how you're going to get them.

FinTech is the Heart Beat of Finance

FinTech is about more than innovative solutions to digitize the processing of financial transactions. FinTech businesses are quicker and cheaper, allowing consumers access to innovative new products tailored to their specific needs. You only need to think of Stripe or PayPal, services that are so uniquely embedded in how we pay and transfer money that we no longer question using them.

Whether it be digital lending, payments, blockchain, or digital wealth management, your FinTech business is part of financial services' DNA.

Lead Generation -- Want More Qualified Leads?

Few approaches currently offer more opportunities for FinTech companies than digital lead generation. Lead generation is how we acquire new prospects to increase sales. The basic principle is already clear to you. The question is how to generate qualified leads, and honestly, the complete arsenal of online and offline channels is available to you:

  • Online Lead Generation Channels: landing pages with white papers, e-books, newsletters, SEO/SEA, social media, blogs, downloads, studies, and surveys.

  • Offline Lead Generation Channels: trade shows, events, promotional booths, print ads, phone, flyers, and direct mail

It's not only the pandemic that caught many companies off guard. Over the past two years, the COVID-19 disruption has shown businesses that many of their systems and processes are woefully out of date. Offline channels, especially in-person events, have been decimated in the last few years.

So, while you're trying to generate leads, you're also trying to update your infrastructure. Kind of like catering a wedding while your kitchen is being renovated. We get it.

3 Ways to Win More Qualified Leads for Your Fintech Biz

Catch the Whale in Your Ocean of Data

You get a lot of fish in your net. You get a lot of shells, rubber boots, and jellyfish, too. It can be a lot of work to sort the prize-winning fish from all the rest. That's where sorting the best data from the ocean of data is becoming more and more important.

Use the data insights you gain from your research to really understand your first-party data. You can use tools such as Hotjar and SemRush in conjunction with your own CRM and analytics platforms. Together you can build lead generation campaigns and at the same time optimize your landing pages, your content, and your CTAs.

Remember: Your user insights are one of the most important tools at your disposal.

Lead generation starts with not just any data – it starts with your data. Make use of your CRM to really understand your users and their needs. Is your CRM giving you the desired level of user data and insights? Should we be talking about that? Your CRM shouldn't be holding you back.

“Fintech companies looking to stand out from the competition need a strong, data-driven sales and marketing strategy that attracts and captures the right leads with precision and accuracy. The best way to do so is by enhancing valuable internal data with external data to enrich leads and create more accurate lead scoring models." -Tearsheet

Personalize Your SEO and PPC Campaigns with Intent

Personalizing content and communications is crucial for your lead generation and nurturing. You already do this for your Email Marketing. Whether it's segmenting your database for email marketing campaigns and workflows or adding personalization to subject lines and landing pages, relevance triggers better engagement.

You may not have thought about the same strategy for your website content and PPC ads on Google or Social Media. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your content and website is more important to lead generation than you may think. Why? SEO is about intent -- the need to solve a problem -- and a user's intent can be segmented and measured.

Web Intent Data provides information about what is being searched for and how high the purchase intention for a product or service is. If someone is already specifically looking for a loan on Google, you can assume that the purchase intention is already very high.

"What many fintech companies are aware of, yet do not know where to find, are broader data points such as industry trends, legislative changes, an SMB's over-reliance on a single large client, a build-up of risk in certain products, and so on. This is where external data can come in to fill in the gaps in knowledge." Tearsheet

Be Relevant, Personalized, and Buyer-Centric

Do you have contacts on LinkedIn? Do you create content for specific groups on social media? Is it working for you, or is it too broad of a target? Size doesn't always matter, right?

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is less about the number of contacts you have and more about the actual quality of those relationships. It's targeted B2B marketing that uses personalized campaigns to win select, significant customers.

ABM treats individual accounts or company contacts as distinct markets. It doesn't rely on generating potential leads with blanket campaigns. With specially tailored content, it reaches out to specific buyer profiles (key accounts, companies). Highly targeted marketing activities focus on their buying centers (decision-maker groups) and buyer personas (individuals involved in a procurement process).In your relationship processes' strategic and systematic design (CRM), you focus on your customers. You collect, analyze, and share data and customer knowledge to convince them of your products and services and bind them to your company. And this is where ABM has a reinforcing effect.

You can read more about Account-Based Marketing (ABM) in this Hubspot article.

"Marketing is no longer a one-way street — you cannot simply shove promotions to your prospects. You need to engage in an active dialogue, and ABM lets you do that with unparalleled precision." Shari Johnston, Radius (now Kabbage)

AWI's Lead Gen to the Rescue

While your company is working hard to improve the quality of life of your consumers, we have your back. Our approach to lead generation is both custom and adaptive. This is why so many industries, from senior services to health care companies trust our services.

Partnering with us allows you to focus on research, development, outreach, and education. While you're creating a better world, we're busy tracking trends and monitoring lead performance daily. There is no set-it-and-forget-it process. Trends shift, and we adapt, ensuring you still have the leads you expect.

Let's set up a call to talk with one of our specialists and ensure your marketing efforts are getting through.


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