How Do You Reach Customers Who Need Fall Prevention But Don’t Realize It?

The topic of fall prevention and alerts can be an awkward one for families. However, it's an important one to discuss. Fall prevention becomes more relevant for a family as the Gen X generation begins to care for their aging parents. So, how do you reach the customers you know need your fall prevention device? With some marketing savvy and the right partner, we know you’ll be able to meet your goals.

Who Needs Fall Prevention?

Preventing falls is a much better alternative to broken bones or hips. Anyone with blood sugar or blood pressure issues needs fall prevention. Furthermore, anyone whose medication causes dizziness needs fall prevention. If you’re recovering from an injury and your balance isn’t quite right, then you need fall prevention.

Though it feels ageist to say “the elderly” needs fall prevention, more than 25% of older Americans fall each year, according to the CDC. That’s 1 in 4. In the UK it’s 1 in 3!

“Each year, millions of older people—those 65 and older—fall. In fact, more than one out of four older people falls each year, but less than half tell their doctor. Falling once doubles your chances of falling again.” CDC

Using Content Marketing to Build Awareness

Your fall prevention product needs brand awareness and not just TV ads at 11:00 AM. On your product’s website, be sure to write about how to prevent falls, what type of emergency plans the family should make, and review personal alarms, smartwatches, or caregiving services. Building your organic content on your website, distributed on social media, does a powerful thing: it increases brand awareness. (We talked about these methods in our hearing aid article.)Without brand awareness, many PPC campaigns fall flat. You can recover. Use the brand awareness you’re building with email marketing and pulsed PPC campaigns. With intentional email campaigns that mirror your content marketing strategy, your product or service is sure to be well-received -- especially when you reach the right audience.

Who is the Fall Prevention Customer?

The end-user and consumer of your fall prevention device may be over 65 years old (Baby Boomer). Baby Boomers are independent, smart, and experienced. They’re the Woodstock Generation. They’re using FaceTime to chat with their grandkids. Baby Boomers are creating videos on TikTok, often work part-time jobs, and know how to get travel deals.

Yes, Boomers are independent. But their kids may be purchasing these devices, too. So, we would recommend creating another audience persona for the 35-55-year-old Gen Xers. In essence, you have at least two distinct audience personas. If you’re selling these products to caregiving facilities, add a third persona.

Boomers Need the Products You’re Selling

Do Baby Boomers need personal alarms? Yes. Do they need fall prevention? Yes. If you’re a home service offering fall-proofing, you need to reach homeowners 55 and older. If you’re selling a personal alarm for those who live alone, you need to reach single adults 65 and older. If you’re offering reassurance to the children of boomers, then maybe your audience consists of tech-savvy adults between 35-50 who own a home with three or more bedrooms. It’s very easy to generate leads that are the perfect fit for your ideal consumer.

AWI’S Lead Gen to the Rescue

While your company is working hard to improve the quality of life of your consumers, we have your back. Our approach to lead generation is both custom and adaptive. This is why so many industries from senior services to health care companies trust our services.

Partnering with us allows you to focus on research and development as well as outreach and education. While you’re creating a better world, we’re busy tracking trends and monitoring lead performance daily. There is no set-it-and-forget-it process. Trends shift and we adapt ensuring you still have the leads you expect.

Let’s set up a call to talk with one of our specialists and ensure your marketing efforts are getting through.

Be Certain.

Justin Mabee

Designer @Squarespace. 12 year web design veteran. 500+ projects completed. Memberships, Courses, Websites, Product Strategy and more.

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