How to Beat Santa at His Own Corporate Gift Giving Game All Year Round

Psychologists have observed two basic experiences in gift-giving: we grow, and we are connected. Gifts have been exchanged for thousands of years in every culture as a form of social action.

Giving, whether it be of our time, money, kindness, or mentorship, is extremely important. The gifts we make become a web of giving and take and influence our social bonds immensely.

Ideally, we’d like to express our affection or gratitude with a gift. Since we can't buy these feelings, we often use a material object in its place. And most people also enjoy giving gifts. It's not for nothing that we have the saying "giving makes you happy."

This is Your 64 Billion Dollar Opportunity Calling

By giving a gift, your business gets efficient marketing that can truly change people’s behavior and create profitable new opportunities. Not only do shoppers feel a special connection to a gift-giving retailer. Gifts offer immediate happiness and future loyalty in any sector.

Corporate gifting is not only a big opportunity for retailers but everyone in the gift-giving chain. It is a chance not only for sales and marketing but for lead generation and to cement customer loyalty. That’s made even easier since we are holding our shopping carts in our hands -- and bringing them with us wherever we go. Yes. Our phones mean we are online more than ever.

“The corporate gifting market will reach $242 billion this year and continue growing at an accelerated 8.1% CAGR through 2024. Approximately 60% of the corporate gift total will be spent on gifts to clients and partners outside the organization and 40% for internal employee recognition and awards.” Forbes

What Do I Give the Person Who Has Everything?

Business as non-usual? You may already be brainstorming that perfect gift. Here are a few ideas we have (hint hint):

  • Terrarium or Succulent Garden (good for the environment)

  • Gourmet Food Basket (makes the recipient immediately popular)

  • Portable Phone Charger (everybody needs a few more of these)

  • Online Classes (parlez-vous Francais?)

  • Better Swag (Time for your company to kick it up a notch)

  • Charity Donation (Nonprofits are the backbone of our community)

  • Bakery Delivery (for when the food basket empties!)

  • Handwritten Note (personalization is everything)

Gift-giving isn’t rocket science. We want to make the recipient happy, but why exactly? Right: when we give someone something and it makes them happy, then we are, too.

Gift-Giving Means Building Better Relationships

Why do we give gifts? Ideally, with a gift, you want to express your affection or gratitude. Then here’s a Tip: If someone expresses a concrete wish, fulfill it! Chances are they will be much happier than not, and a happier person is better to have on your side.

If you are like most of us, however, you may believe a surprise is better than the bland fulfillment of a wish. After all, a surprise shows that a lot of thought has gone into the gift, right? The danger here is that it may end up being another disappointing gift that is rewrapped and passed on at the next opportunity.

The secret to successful gift-giving lies in three words: ‘individual’, ‘personalized’, and ‘listen.’

  • Individualized gift options make people feel more valued

  • Find a way for the recipient to select their gift

  • Choose personalized gift cards over generic ones

Personalization is all about relationship building. And it’s simply good business. Personalization increases sales and binds customers to your company. People who feel understood using a company’s offers more often and prefer to do so.

Gift Giving: Not Just for Christmas Anymore

Year-round gift-giving is good for business. We don’t just mean the packaged presents either. Consider the wealth of experience your employees, partners, and customers bring to your business. No business is a rock, and the community of people that go into making our business what it is is truly a gift. Celebrate it!

Now, back in August, we reminded you why it’s important to prepare your email lists for the holiday season, and, well, Christmas is almost here!

If you add birthdays, religious holidays, corporate events, and the celebration of your big wins to your gift-giving calendar, the giving season actually happens all year round.

“Corporate gift-giving is not confined to any one part of the year. Just under two-thirds of respondents cited giving corporate gifts to appreciate an employee or for celebrating a milestone—a higher proportion than reported that they gave gifts for the holidays.” Coresight Research 

How Do You Reach Corporate Gift Buyers?

We all know gifts are great and you want corporate gift buyers to buy your product as that gift. So how do you reach those decision-makers? It’s always a good time to reach holiday gift-buyers with AWI’s Corporate Gift Buyers! We have a plethora of business data from Corporate Gift Buyers (perfect for the holiday season) from “New to the World Businesses” to “Home-Based Businesses.”

Reach out today to your AWI representative to get started. AWI delivers all you need to sit back, relax, and enjoy the results!

Be Certain. 

Justin Mabee

Designer @Squarespace. 12 year web design veteran. 500+ projects completed. Memberships, Courses, Websites, Product Strategy and more.

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