How to Create Interest for Your Product Everywhere and All the Time

Got Lead Generation? Create Interest

Lead Generation is the process of generating interest. You can use whatever means you have at your disposal to create interest. In fact, just do it without even thinking of the buzzword at all. It doesn’t matter if you are a small or large company, a school, or even a nonprofit, you need to get people interested in the solutions you provide.

Lead Generation is about creating interest – it is about connecting with an engaged customer. That's it. 

Great Marketing is About Meeting People’s Needs

From medical insurance to a new mortgage, from the price of eggs to the best holiday destination, everyone has something they need to deal with. How can we help? We need to get people’s attention. 

It doesn’t matter if you want to get the attention of teens looking for their first car, working moms looking to invest in the market, or seniors in Frog Eye Alabama looking for health insurance. You need to get their attention. 

Attention = Information = Sales

Maybe you have an inflatable tube man in front of your restaurant, or your brother-in-law’s kid is walking the sidewalk in front of your car dealerships. Maybe you’ve got a television or radio spot. It doesn’t matter. 

If you can’t get in front of people, then you can’t solve their problems.

My Customers Have Different Needs to Yours

Everyone consciously or unconsciously distinguishes themselves from everyone else. We all like to think we're unique. However, while we may talk differently, eat differently, or even vote differently when it comes to how we shop, we all act the same. We buy things that make us happy. And today, everybody is shopping online - even for financial and insurance products which we used to exclusively do in person. 

“What really matters isn't your customer’s generation -- it's their needs.” Andrews Wharton 

One Person’s Savings is Another Person’s Insurance

Tomayto tomahto. Isn’t our savings a type of insurance? Your focus may be different if you’re a bank or an insurance company. Your customer will have a different focus, too. For some people insurance is part of their savings plan. For others insurance is never to be considered an investment. How do you create interest? Well, how would you sell snow in a snowstorm?

Snow is easily transported when it’s frozen, but a bit trickier to carry once you have it in your pocket. It melts. However, one person’s snowball is another person’s drink of water. We bet you never thought about it that way before.

What does snow have to do with savings and insurance? Would you believe hard, cold cash? We’re reaching, but get ready for the punch line.

If you’re a bank, insurance, credit, or mortgage company, you may offer customers a chance to step back and review their coverage, interest rates, or duration. It could be once a year; it could be every three years. However you do it, this is always a chance to generate interest and leads. Why? Regardless of who your customer is, they probably won’t say no to saving money or earning more.

If you think you’re the only one who overlooks this, you’d be wrong. Once a year, Medicare gives its beneficiaries a chance to review their coverage and make any changes. However, a lot of people overlook this chance to possibly save money and improve their coverage.

“Most people don’t pay much attention to the open enrollment period and that can come at a cost,” says Tricia Neuman, senior vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation and executive director of its Program on Medicare Policy.”

Where You Can Best Generate Interest in Your Products

Not every business can make the right connection with customers using a guy in a chicken suit. It may work well for your car dealership but might scare people away from your insurance company. So how, and where, do you generate interest? The answer is: everywhere. Two words: Omnichannel Marketing.

“The goal of omnichannel marketing is to meet customers where they are and provide them with a consistent experience no matter which channel they’re using.” Contentful

Create Interest via Your Website

Before you can get a lead, prospects need to find you. Today that’s done a lot on the web. How exactly? Don’t be fooled – we still let our fingers do the walking, but today it’s on our phones.

When we have a problem we are most likely to open Google and type in a question. We do it all the time. “Where can I find the best medical insurance?” Maybe you search more specifically, “Where can I find the best medical insurance for 70+ women in Omaha?” Granny Eubanks will love you for that search.

The higher your website is listed in the search engine results (SERPs), the better chance you have of your website being found. If your website is not being found in Google, then get yourself some professional search engine optimization help. We can recommend a few people.

“SEO affects your lead generation much more than you think.” Andrews Wharton

Lead Generation via Your Social Media

Though most doctors prefer their patients not self-diagnose by Dr. Internet, a patient who is willing to learn and do research is more likely to follow your recommendations. The same goes for any other product. Why? Buying things makes us happy, and Happy is Healthy.

Where do people go for advice besides Google? Right -- Facebook, Twitter, and co. Along with your website, don’t forget to use social media channels to generate interest (aka leads)

Regardless if your business is health care, insurance, travel, or shoes, people listen to and talk with other people on social media. You can generate interest via a tweet or a Facebook post just as easily as you can add leads generated there to your email lists.

Hot Tip: Not only does Google index Tweets, but it also indexes subtitle (SRT) files on YouTube videos. That makes your social media posts an added way to improve your website being found!

Create Interest via Your Email Marketing

Here we’re preaching to the choir, right? You already know how important email is to your lead generation. The advantage of email is that it fits pretty much anywhere. Email marketing is almost always effective. Why? Because email is one-on-one

This is just a reminder to ask yourself: Why did this person sign up for our email? What are they interested in? The answer is the majority are looking for the best product to fit their needs, and at the best price. That is your call to action. 

“The messaging, tone and information you include in your emails will vary, even if the offer is the same. Think about your social media activity – you don’t post the same image or text on every platform. Your content should be as unique as the expectations of your customers.” Andrews Wharton

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