2022 Holiday Email Marketing Guide

It’s the greatest time of year for e-commerce – the holiday season!

Your customers are awaiting the killer sales ahead and ready to check their inboxes for messages from their favorite brands.

Wondering what can set your apart this year? Starting to strategize for the big season ahead? Here’s our top 5 tips for getting ahead this holiday season!


1.    Wow them with a killer subject line'

We all know first impressions matter. Your subject line is the first thing the consumer sees before they decide to click.
Brainstorm a couple of subject lines - consider using an emoji as well! The pop of color in some inboxes could make a difference.

2.    Promote Sales Early

According to Bankrate, half of holiday shoppers begin by Halloween. While you don’t need to start sending “seasons greetings” in October, it’s a great idea to start a drip campaign then to get them thinking of your brand while creating their gift lists.

3.    Gift Guides Drive Traffic

You’re not the only one busy this holiday season; consumers’ schedules are filled up as it as and getting gifts for everyone on their list? It’s quite daunting.
Inspire the consumer by giving them ideas of what to buy for the loved ones in their lives. Not only is it helpful, but it’s a fun way to share your products and services.

4.    A clean list matters

What’s the use of sending out a perfectly crafted message when it falls on deaf ears? Squash the spam complaints and undelivered emails with AWI’s Email Hygiene services.

Identify emails that are valid, invalid, known complainers, honey pots/spam traps, and more so your next campaign can make it in front of the people you want it to.

5.    Personalized offers go a long way

We all know how important it is to know your customer, but what if you knew each one of them just a little bit more to offer them an even sweeter deal.
For example, you know that Chelsea not only has to shop for her two children this holiday season, but they added a furry friend to the family this year. Include this new addition in emails for Chelsea and she might be more inclined to purchase from you rather than a competitor.

Corporate Gifting is Happening

Don’t forget that you’re not the only one shopping this holiday season, businesses are looking to gift too! Wondering how you can reach those decision makers? How to Beat Santa at His Own Corporate Gift Giving Game.


‘Tis the season to get emailing!

Email marketing to the right people at the right time is not only one of the foundations of a genius holiday campaign, but for any campaign year round.

During this magical time of the year, whether you reach new or old customers, get the most out of this season with a stand out campaign accompanied with a clean list (make sure to check it twice!)


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