New Movers & Donors

AWI’s New Movers & Donors database reaches weekly new movers and brand new homeowners that have just purchased a new home. This database is updated weekly through county courthouse records of deeds, new phone connects, publisher subscription change of address, and other essential data types.

This file has been enhanced with email addresses and we have also identified several demographic attributes such as presence of children, age, ethnicity, income, and Political Donors – Republican or Democrat, Environmental Save the Planet, Animal Welfare, Finding the Cure Health Causes, Children’s Welfare, Women’s Causes, and many more.

Every Monday we feature the week’s newest new movers and new homeowners nationwide!

New Movers & New Homeowners on this file are a perfect fit for your next fundraising campaign!

AWI is your multi-channel solutions partner, your one-stop shop to be first in the mailbox and the Inbox! AWI literally delivers your emails! AWI email services price includes HTML setup, transmission, testing, and reporting. Counts are updated monthly or weekly and published quarterly. Please inquire about usage.

Postal Universe


Weekly Hotline


Monthly Hotline


Last Updated


*Counts updated monthly, published quarterly

Monthly Hotline $15/M
Weekly Hotline $20/M
Geo/Geographical $0/M
Age $10/M
Income $10/M
Ethnic/Ethnicity $10/M
Donation Amount $10/M
Dwelling Type Change $10/M
Previous Address $10/M
Presence of Children $10/M
Distance of Move $15/M
Run Charge $10/M
Email Address $20/M
Additional Details
Addressing: EMAIL/FTP $50/F
Minimum Order Quantity: Postal Universe 12,000
Net Name Available: 85% on orders ≥ 50000 $10/M Run Charge
Reuse Available: Minimum Reuse Order: 6,000
NextMark Tracking Code ID 572676

Prepayment required for first time and email clients. Each rental provides only one-time use. Sample mailing, telemarketing script, and/or emailing creative required. Orders cancelled after original mail date require payment in full; prior to original mail date subject to $150 cancellation fee per order, $10/M running charge, format charges, and shipping costs. Email orders cancelled after creative testing subject to $150 cancellation fee per order.

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