Motorcycle Owners

Motorcycle Owners from AWI delivers the power to target motorcycle owners selectable by make, model and year. Sourced from a combination of extended warranty responders, motorcycle service station records, and public records this responsive audience is ready to ride.

AWI brings you Motorcycle Owners chock-full of folks who are fans of touring, travel, music, entertainment, NASCAR, and more. You can target your desired market by selecting high-end motorcycles, custom bike owners, make, model, and year! Once you have that narrowed down, utilize demographics such as age, household income, gender, and geography for micro-targeting.

Be first in the mailbox with AWI! Counts are updated monthly and published quarterly. Please inquire about usage.

Are you looking for a multi-channel solutions partner? AWI is your one-stop shop to be first in the mailbox and the Inbox! AWI literally delivers your emails! AWI email services price includes HTML setup, transmission, testing, and reporting.

Postal Universe


Monthly Hotline


Last Updated


*Counts updated monthly, published quarterly

Monthly Hotline $10/M
Geo/Geographical $5/M
Gender/Sex $5/M
Age $10/M
Household Income $10/M
Homeowner $10/M
Additional Details
Addressing: EMAIL/FTP $50/F
Minimum Order Quantity: Postal Universe 10,000
Net Name Available: 85% on orders ≥ 50000 $10/M Run Charge
% Female 25%
% Male 70%
NextMark Tracking Code ID 268611
SRDS Tracking Code ID 907496-0

Prepayment required for first time and email clients. Each rental provides only one-time use. Sample mailing, telemarketing script, and/or emailing creative required. Orders cancelled after original mail date require payment in full; prior to original mail date subject to $150 cancellation fee per order, $10/M running charge, format charges, and shipping costs. Email orders cancelled after creative testing subject to $150 cancellation fee per order.


Mobile Cell Phone Seekers Email


Multi-Buyers Power