What is Data Enhancement?

We all have that one drawer in our home that is the catch all for receipts, loose batteries, and random pamphlets we don’t quite know what to do with.

Sometimes we see this junk drawer in data where data is thrown into one place – not prioritization or organization.  In the world of billions of data points, it’s understandable how this could happen. Underneath the random email in the back and the partial home address around the corner, you could strike gold.

Email Append

Some people have had the same email address all their lives, some change it every year.

There are also times when we might have a phone number for someone, but an missing email for this person can be a missed opportunity.

But, What use is an address that is incorrect or doesn’t successfully deliver?

Email Append validates that an email address of a customer is the most current, allowing you to fill in the blanks and ensure accuracy.

The process of updating addresses will allow you to enhance your consumer list and connect with a larger audience. Email append not only helps you accurately add to your customer database but helps reach your preferred target audience.  

Phone Append

Missing a phone number for a lead?

Well than you are in the same boat as having the wrong email address. What good is a lead with an incorrect or missing phone number.

Phone numbers are something that can be constantly changing. You may be in contact with a client for years and then suddenly lose touch. Phone append gives you the ability to restore and reconnect with old contacts.

Phone append is important when it comes to improving the overall customer experience. It helps by building a stronger relationship with the consumer.

It’s no secret that people spend a lot of time on their mobile phones throughout the day. Having a verified phone number makes it even easier to communicate and stay in touch with a potential prospect.

Geo-Demo Enhancement

No matter what you are looking to sell or promote, there will always be a specific group that you would prefer to target and market to.

For instance, the southwest part of the United States is known for the popular fast-food chain “In-N-Out Burger.” When advertising, it is not likely that they will try to reach a person living in the east coast, as it would most likely be a waste of money.

With the help of geographic enhancement data, a marketer for the company would be able to pinpoint an audience within a specific region, saving both time and money.

Demographic enhancement takes this a step further. You will be able to dive into categories such as household characteristics, economic indicators, and general interests to improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

For example, marketing to a millennial versus a baby boomer is night and day.

It is known that millennials tend to be more tech savvy than baby boomers and make more purchases online. When making a purchase, millennials follow a user generated approach. They like reading the reviews and opinions of other consumers before making their decision.

Boomers like to use search engines, so when marketing to this generation, SEO is very important. They prefer a gentler approach that has a clear, informative explanation as to what is being sold.


We’re Here to Help

At AWI, we know organization is key to understanding it all. We take the sea of data and give you a life preserver.

To learn more about our enhancement services, check out this page.


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