Can You Hear Me Now? How Do You Reach Customers Who Need Your Hearing Aids?

Being heard (and understood) is anyone’s greatest desire, just ask Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. So why is it so difficult to reach customers with hearing loss? Sadly, there is still such a stigma related to wearing hearing aids and getting tested. This causes consumers to delay testing -- and treatment.

“It takes an average of seven to 10 years from the time someone recognizes he or she has a hearing loss until getting help for it.” Barbara Kelley

Medicare and Hearing Aids

It would be great for you and for American consumers if Medicare covered hearing aids. That would at least lower the financial issues. Though Medicare doesn’t cover hearing aids, a Medicare Advantage Plan may. The thing is that coverage for hearing loss is expensive and people are afraid to get tested.

“Noise and aging are the most common causes of hearing loss in adults. There is a strong relationship between age and reported hearing loss.”

Fear, expense, along with our vanity -- and not wanting to admit we have a problem -- can be a marketer’s biggest challenge. With that said, education is the best form of marketing. What case studies have you not written? How can you incorporate reviews on your website?

Social Media Is Your Friend

Though most doctors, audiologists included, prefer their patients not self-diagnose by Dr. Internet, a patient who is willing to learn and do research is more likely to follow your recommendations. Along with your product’s website, don’t forget to use social media channels as well. Not only does Google index Tweets (it’s a lot easier to read if you’re losing hearing), but Google also indexes subtitle (SRT) files on YouTube videos.

Make a point to educate people so that they will get tested as early as possible. After all, it’s your product’s mission to make communication as natural as possible. So why not engage with your audience where they feel most comfortable? That can be Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or even a private Facebook Group or TikTok. (We recommend against a Discord server, Clubhouse, or Twitter Spaces; these are audio-based services.)

“Overall, social media can be a useful tool for patients to find information, connect with peers, share their stories, and find providers. There are some downfalls to using social media which include misinformation and subsequent changes in patient compliance, follow-up, or commitment to the treatment plan.”

AWI's Lead Gen to the Rescue

While your company is working hard to improve the quality of sound -- and quality of life -- of your consumers, we have your back. Our approach to lead generation is both custom and adaptive. This is why so many industries from senior services to health care companies trust our services.

Partnering with us allows you to focus on research and development as well as outreach and education. While you’re creating a better world, we’re busy tracking trends and monitoring lead performance daily. There is no set-it-and-forget-it process. Trends shift and we adapt ensuring you still have the leads you expect.

Let’s set up a call to talk with one of our specialists and ensure you’re being heard -- clearly.

Be Certain.


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